Dating: The 90-day rule and realizing who's for you
So I am back to talk about something we can all relate Dating in your 20's is such an interesting, fun, and frustrating experience. It starts off good and somewhere down the line there is a disconnect, or it can go right and you two hit it off and ride into the sunset together and live happily ever after. I think the most difficult part about dating is spending too much time on situations that are not growing. Our biggest mistake is tolerating too much, and ignoring the fact that you are not for everybody and everybody is not for you. It is important to date and enjoy that person's company, get to know them, pay attention to their actions, how they treat their family and friends, and most importantly you. As women we can say we don't expect a lot from the man (or woman) but we do expect something, we want to be courted, we want someone who pays attention, who makes time to see us. We ask for what we feel men should be able to give, if that is what they want, or that is what they are seeking to do. But also take into account if that is not what he is about, then let him go. I feel the same goes for men, if you feel that the woman you are dating is not doing what you feel she should be doing then let her go. Communicate first, see if there is a change, if not then let them go! When dating, I feel in the early stages, you should not be stressed about not being courted. If he does not do it on the first date, he probably will not do it at all, if that's not a red flag I don't know what is. Personally, I love when a man walks on the correct side of the sidewalk, opens the door for me, helps me out of the car. Not only is it polite, its attractive. I'm here for it, manners and all!
Never go into the situation asking or demanding. I hate this honestly. If I am dating a guy and he starts asking me to cook, and do this and that in the early stages, my initial thought is "I ain't your mama". Those services are reserved for a boyfriend or husband. Don't be a wife to the man you are just dating. Offering those services to a man that has not made you officially his girlfriend will set you on a road to being stressed and feeling unappreciated. For the guys reading this, if you want her, treat her as such, and she will eventually offer those things. Make her feel appreciated, not with sex, but give her your time and attention.
Be clear about what you are looking for, and communicate if that ever changes. Whether if it is taking things to the next level or slowing things down. In the first month, discuss each others experiences, goals, things in common, and what you want when dating someone, such as honesty, consideration and communication.
The 90 Day Rule.
Does it exist anymore? Is it important?
In my opinion, I don't believe in the 90 day rule. Sure, we'd like to believe if we make him wait then he'll treat us better, respect us more. However, even after 90 days of no sex and finally giving up the 'cookie' he can still mess up. It is a possibility. I believe, in happiness and sexual freedom, meaning do what you want, as long as you are being safe, and are comfortable. The reality is 90-day ruling it is not for everybody. We all have needs. And if you meet someone who is non-judgmental and understanding then that the makes the experience even better, whether you want to wait 90-days or 30.
Remember when dating, make sure you're happy, and get rid of negative energy and stressful situations. Excessive tension is something to look out for, and a sign to let it go.