Does Selfishness Equal Happiness?

I recently came across a question, "Do Selfish People Live Longer?". Now I do not know the answer to that question, but what I do know is unhappiness and stress will take you straight to the grave, cause weight gain, weight loss, high blood pressure, acne, wrinkles, and all types of other things we do not want or need. Personally, I feel that people are happier and stress free when they are selfish for their own personal well being. I do not mean this in any way but good. What I am saying is that sometimes we tend to put others' happiness before our own because that is what we were taught as children. "Sharing is caring". That's bullshit honestly. Share to an extent, help to an extent, and let it all come from your heart; not from guilt. Many times we do things for others because we feel bad, or because we are worried about their opinions of us. You need to live for you, that is the only way to be happy. Now I am not saying be stank about it either because an ugly attitude does not create or attract positivity. This does not mean we do not care for others, and that we do not love them; but that we love ourselves more and who is going to take care of you like you? However, we do find joy in helping others and that is a beautiful thing, and that is also not what I am referring to when I say "BE SELFISH".

I feel that often times we look to others to make us happy, and what happens is that same person who brought your happiness, done up and walked out the door with it too. So what are you going to do? Happiness comes from within, no one can create it or take it. Sometimes this is easier said than done, especially with relationships where your significant other can really take a toll on your emotions and how you go about you day or week, for some people. It can even get as serious as how you go through life. You have to realize it's all up to you. The ball is always in your court, only you can determine your happiness. Do what you love, and find new things that you may enjoy as well.

Now back to being selfish, after my happiness rant. Being selfish does not make you a bad person. Be selfish to the extent where you are taking care of you and you are content. It means putting your well being first and living for you. If you want to travel, then do so. You want to move? Then make it happen. You have set goals for yourself? Make a plan and accomplish it! Do what you can now so that you don't get older and look back on your life saying "shoulda, coulda, woulda". The way I see it is trust your judgement, do not risk your emotional well being for anyone else, and if you have then you learned...and if you are well learn from your experience. And if you are going through it for a second or third time, let it be the last. I know there is a saying that goes, "Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley. While I agree with Bob Marley, you have to know when the suffering has gone too far. With that being said, be happy, be selfish to an extent, and remember to love yourself first.