Living Single

The do's & Don'ts of dating


Because we're living singleeeee!


Okay, I'm back on the dating topic, with Valentine's Day right around the corner let's discuss dating do's and don'ts. I feel like there are a lot of dating don'ts we should have left in 2017... hell we should've left it in 2016. 


  • Communicate, communicate, COMMUNICATE. This is key. A major freakin key. This will solve the answer to all of your problems. 
  • Be Kind. It is simple, be kind to the person you are with, or planning to be with, even if it won't be long term. Treat people how you want to be treated. 
  • Think outside the box -- skip the usual dinner and movie date and go to a museum, laser tag, rock climbing, helicopter ride, etc. Be adventurous, have fun!
  • Be honest with yourself, and the person you are dating. Refer back to the first point & communicate. 
  • Maintain a positive and healthy mindset. A positive vibe attracts a positive vibe.
  • Leave when it is unhealthy, even if it is not an "official" relationship. Disconnect from toxic people.
  • Intimacy -- is more than sex, it's spending quality time together.



  • Dating according to Zodiac compatibility is overrated and it doesn't make sense. WHY? Well who writes this stuff, who determines if you are compatible with a Gemini or not compatible with a Taurus.  Each person is raised and influenced differently and Zodiac signs cannot determine the greatness or "shittyness" of their personalities.
  • GUYS ASKING WOMEN TO TAKE THEM ON DATES. I really don't think I need to go into depth about it but it is such a turnoff.  If she wants to take you out, let her do it out of her own free will.
  • Purposely taking long to text back. It is childish and petty. If you like someone then show them. If you're grown, then act grown. 
  • Shading on social media, is not cool, nor is it mature.
  •  Expecting women to cook and clean for you, we are not obligated to do those things. 
  •  Addressing issues without having respect for each other -- some issues can be resolved without belittling and arguing.
  • Asking her to split the bill. Splitting the bill is not wrong, but if you ask her out and this is the first or first few dates, you may get friend zoned or blocked depending how you go about it. If you are asking her for her time -- she's getting cute for you and all that-- and you then ask her to split the bill, it's just corny af. Come correct or not at all. No one likes someone who is cheap. If you can't afford it be honest about it. But let's save this "splitting the bill" for when she insists, or offers. 
  • Asking for an explanation if he or she says "no". "No" is a full sentence and does not require explaining.
  • Inconsistency --Do not disappear and reappear out of no where. That is rude af. Women may be just as guilty as men, I wouldn't know. It's not called being busy, it is call being inconsistent. If you will not make the time to actually date someone then don't make the attempt. You make time for what you want.
  • Finally, the "reply to your snapchat/instagram story but not your text". It's rude and awkward. 

I think one of the hardest parts of dating is finding that right person.

I've taken a break from dating, just to focus on myself, to grow, and to get away from the stress and drama of it all.

Being single is not the worst, but it isn't  THAT much fun either.

My advice to you, make yourself more approachable, don't be afraid to shoot your shot, be positive, and be patient.