Living Your Best Life in 2018

Now that the first month of the year is coming to an end, I am sure everyone has set their goals, improved their mindset, and making steps to improve whether it is their financial, spiritual, emotional, or physical situation. At this point in the year, it is important to set new goals for yourself to achieve. One of our most common goals is "living your best life", it can mean more money, success, traveling, etc. 

Here are some keys to having a prosperous year:

  • Financial Discipline - You'll thank yourself in the long run, but learn to prioritize. Don't go broke by spending money carelessly. Keep in mind that vacation, car, house/apartment, or SAVINGS ACCOUNT is way more important than a designer sale, as tempting as it may be. Learn how to budget, read about how to save your money -- there are books, forums, blogs, articles, etc.. I didn't say it was easy, but it is important. You will benefit from this, always.


  • Travel More - If you love to travel, then do it. There is no time like the present and it is best to travel while we are young because adulting only goes downhill from here, right? I'm joking, but our responsibilities are only increasing from here. Travel while you have the time to.


  • Stop Living In Fear - Stop living in fear because you will not know until you try. Overcoming fears are great accomplishments. Shoot your shot, sky dive, start that business, start that blog...whatever it is do it! You got this!


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  • SELF CARE - This is so so soooo important. Sometimes people limit self care to just taking care of the external, but it is also very much internal. Self care is inner peace, it is balance, it is forgiveness, it is eliminating negative energy, it is doing what you need to do to make yourself happy, sticking to your goals, and sometimes it means being selfish. But if you don't take care of you, who will? Make yourself, your top priority. 


  • Educate Yourself -  The more you know the more you grow. Learning is not limited to books, take class in something you've always wanted to learn. There are classes for everything, just check Groupon. 


  • Learn to Be By Yourself - Rely on yourself, I promise you won't be as disappointed as relying on others. Don't count on others for you to get something done. It is nice to have people to count on, but stop letting that be the "be all and end all".
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  • Build and Maintain Relationships - Of course not every relationship is meant to be kept, but for those that do matter, learn to put your pride aside and repair the damage. Build stronger bonds with family and friends, form new friendships, and NETWORK.



So here's to a new year, a new mindset, a greater outcome, and living your best life!

Sydney CodringtonComment