Self Caring Your Way Through Life

Why did it take us so long to start recognizing self care? To finally make it a thing?  We go through so much on a daily basis, whether its work, school, family, friends, or just people in general. Sometimes we forget that self care is deeper than face masks and pedicures. It is getting rid of toxic energy, preserving your space and preventing others from spreading that negativity to you. We really have to take a step back and realize who/what is and isn't for us. You always get that gut feeling when something isn't right, and if it isn't right then leave it alone, save yourself the stress and headache.

Self care is taking preventative action, it is recognizing the situation and making the best decision for your well being. Protect your peace. People will do their best to disturb it, out of jealously or carelessness. They don't value your peace the way you do. It is your job to make sure it thrives. If they are jealous, let them be jealous, but keep them at a distance. So what if it's someone your can't necessarily get away from? You are mentally strong enough to keep them from affecting you. If they are careless, then they don't deserve to be in your life. Your peace is important to your being and well-being. Someone who doesn't value that, does not value you. Need I explain any further? 


Whatever makes you happy, do it. If it makes you unhappy, leave it, find a better option. Life is too short to spend it stressed out. I spoke to a friend about a month ago, she told me she left her job because she was unhappy. At first I thought "oh no I'd never", because I too was in the same predicament. But then I thought back to "protecting my peace" and what it means to really practice self love. Love yourself enough to pull yourself out of situations that are toxic, love yourself enough to move on, love yourself enough to know you got this and you're going to be good. 


Self care your way through your life. Even though a lot of the things that do occur may be out of our control, take action on the things you do have control over. You have control over who and what you let influence and affect you. You control who you allow into your space. You control what you focus your energy on. Focus your energy on you and your happiness. Treat yourself. Learn something knew, travel the world, achieve your goals, have dope experiences with your friends -- just enjoy your life and make yourself the top priority in it.
